Optimont can take charge of the detailed bare printed circuit board design from customer supplied electrical schematic, bill of materials, critical placement and routing directives. We then take care of producing the manufacturing specifications (Gerber files) for the board.
We can also take care of the bare printed circuit board fabrication. When doing so, electrical continuity and insulation tests are conducted on every printed circuit board with internal layers.
Are required from the customer
- Gerber files (RS-274X) showing each layer details (silk screening, paste mask, solder mask, copper layers, routing)
- Fabrication specifications (thickness of copper, core, prepreg, total, layers order (stackup), color of solder mask, controlled impedances, dielectric constant, etc,).
- Will be assumed by default :
- 0.5 oz/pi2 minimum copper on internal layers
- 1.0 oz/pi2 minimum copper on external layers
- 0.062" overall thickness
- Green solder mask
- White silkscreening
- Panelization instructions, if not included in the Gerber files